Criminal Action Limitation Periods in the UAE

The limitation periods for criminal actions in the UAE is as follows, as per Article 21 of the Federal Decree-Law No. 38 of 2022 Promulgating the Criminal Procedures Law (the ‘Criminal Procedural Law’): 

  • 20 years for felonies (excluding offences of Qisas, blood money, or offences punishable by death or life imprisonment); 
  • 5 years for misdemeanour cases; and 
  • 1 year for minor offences. 

The limitation period starts from the date the crime was committed. Conversely, the limitation period for criminal convictions as per Article 320 of the Criminal Procedural Law is as follows: 

  • 30 years for felonies (excluding offences of Qisas, blood money, or offences punishable by death or life imprisonment); 
  • 7 years for misdemeanour cases; and 
  • 2 years for minor offences. 

Nonetheless, the Penal Code affirms that no time limitations shall apply to crimes which: 

  • Threaten the national security of the UAE (Article 227); 
  • Involve embezzlement and damage to public funds (Article 270); 
  • Involve positions held in public office (such as bribery/corruption) (Article 286); and 
  • Relate to any related civil action
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