Arduino can make your projects responsive. Kiduino makes them beautiful.
Kiduino is Kids+Arduino. It offers professional STEM courses for kids and teens using open source platforms like Arduino. Kiduino is a great and fun way to introduce your child to programming and electronics.
We offer professional STEM courses using open source platforms for students aged from 10 to 18. Our objective is providing Kids and teenagers with the tools that enable them build great projects using computers and electronics. We
believe that students have passion towards computers and technology and if this passion is guided correctly, they can impress us with their innovation and creativity, and the sky will be their limit.
Why Choose Us
Our professional STEM courses provide the student with the tools that can be used throughout his/her life to build applications using computers and electric components. A platform like Arduino can be used by all ages starting from 10 years up to postgraduate students preparing for their master’s degree.
Why open source platforms?
Open source platforms are powerful. They offer infinite number of projects and ideas; consequently, they give more space for innovation and creativity. The future is for Open Source Platforms!!!
Why text-based programming?
Programming is now a requirement for most engineering disciplines. Students should take one or more programming courses at their early college years. Students exposed to text-based programming find these courses easier than their classmates who are exposed to programming concepts like loops, arrays etc. for the first time.
Why Arduino?
Arduino is one of the wiring platforms that teach kids programming through physical computing. Earlier, the classic way of studying programming languages like C was through writing code and checking the result in a black console (black screen). Physical computing is a fun way to learn programming concepts, you can visualize the effect of your code as it can produce action such as lighting a LED or moving a motor.
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