Sustainable mobility solutions for growing transport needs Alstom has been part of the industrial history in the Gulf region for over 30 years. Alstom has installed the first turbine in the UAE in 1975. Since 2015,  being entirely focused on Transport, Alstom strongly support the Gulf region who faces a great need for infrastructure expansion and growth in terms of rail transport systems, especially since there are political will, knowledge, & opportunities to develop and deliver sustainable mobility solutions. Alstom is following the developments of mainline & urban transportation projects as they evolve in Oman, Bahrain & Kuwait.  Dubai Metro Route 2020 This is a project combining an extension of 15 km to reach Expo site and the enhancement of the existing Red Line. ExpoLink consortium, led by Alstom, delivers an optimized turnkey metro system solution that includes: civil work, 50 Metropolis trainsets, power supply, signaling, automatic fare collection, track works, platform screen doors and a three-year warranty on the whole system. Additionally, the existing metro line will be upgraded (power supply, signaling systems, miscellaneous communication, Hesop and track works). Full operability of the existing line is maintained during the project.