The following article considers the treatment of force majeure and other forms of relief
under contracts in numerous key jurisdictions around the world. While it is to be hoped
that these unique circumstances lead contracting parties to find workarounds such that
neither benefits or suffers more than the other, there will inevitably be occasions when a
party relies upon its legal rights – regardless of the social considerations in play.
As the coronavirus outbreak continues to wreak havoc on markets and industries, businesses
are now confronting significant and unique challenges. Successful navigation of
these challenges will require thoughtful and comprehensive planning for the conduct of
all activities by business and institutions, from the administration of justice, the exercise
of individual freedoms, the performance of existing contracts, to the continuation of
business operations.
Al Dahbashi Gray is providing in-depth advice to clients on the adverse effects on their
businesses due to the occurrence of COVID-19. Through our core team of lawyers and our
associated firms, we are well-placed to cover – directly or indirectly – many jurisdictions,
including UAE and GCC, Egypt, UK, US, Australian, Russian, French, Italian, most African,
and many others.
Register to download and read how ADG can help you with their in-depth advice.