Came into this world over 45 years ago, and has now grown into a mature entity. Never forgotten are the creative days of the early 1970’s where the infrastructure which lntercare modestly helped to build, is today in place; however, the excitement of those consummated moments can never be forgotten, and leaves us with strong memories of past successes and challenges us to achieve more.
It is the pride of being associated with this Group, its dedicated staff, and its many good customers and friends, that makes it all so worthwhile.
In order to maintain the passion it conceived, Intercare strives to grow this creation, and convey it to its management and staff, that each person’s contribution – however small it may be – goes into the making of the whole, thus creating an indivisible and stronger business core.
We are a company that adapts as it grows, nevertheless maintaining to its principles of old. Our culture is defined by an entrepreneurial spirit, and we encourage our people to take action and make a difference. Every small contribution adds up.