Tile Marine LLC
About Us
Tile Marine strives to be your “partner” not just a supplier. Our business processes are “collaborative” in approach. First, we understand your needs thoroughly and then propose a few alternative solutions to choose from. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff is our biggest strength. We are well versed in the technical details of the equipment we deal in. We do our best to offer you reliable cost effective solutions efficiently without compromising on quality.
Our expertise is in meeting any requirement of sailing vessels, right from small tugs / supply vessels, barges, dredgers to ocean going super tankers, Ro-Ro vessels, container vessels and bulk carriers.
Our “Total Solutions Collaborative Approach” has given us an enviable list of clients. We pride ourselves as solution providers and not just suppliers.
We have partnered with several blue chip organizations like Singtel, Seatel, Thrane & Thrane, Tank Tech who are amongst the leaders in their respective fields. Based on your requirements, we customize their solutions to meet your specific needs.
Expert staff, ideal location, best-of-breed principals, and collaborative approach towards our customers have helped us become a reliable marine supplier and solutions provider.
Knowledgeable and Experienced Staff
Head Quarters in Dubai - Maritime hub of Middle East.
Marine Mechanical Engineering Services including engine overhaul and Hydraulic Repairs
Marine Equipment and Spares. New and Reconditioned Spares
Telecommunication solutions Including Hardware and Airtime for Inmarsat & VSAT Services
Marine Electronics, Navigation Sales & Service
Engine Automation Services
Safety Equipments
Tile Marine is a reputed & leading Technical Marketing & Service organization based in Dubai. UAE, Qatar, Oman, Singapore and India. Having years of experience in the Marine field, our expertise and speciality is in meeting most of the requirements of sailing vessels, rightfrom small tugs / supply vessels, barges, dredgers to Ocean Going Super Tankers, Ro-Ro vessels, containervessels and Bulk Carries. Our scope of activity includes:-
Supply of Marine Equipment like, Main Engines, Auxiliary Engines, Boilers, Air Compressors,Turbochargers, Purifiers, Oily Water Separators, Water Makers, Pumps, Propellers, Valves,Winches & Steering Gear.
Service & Repairs of Marine Equipment like Main Engines, Auxiliary Engines, Boilers, AirCompressors, Turbochargers, Purifiers, Oily water separators, Water Makers, Pumps, Propellers,Valves, Winches & Steering Gear.-
Supply of SPARE PARTS for all the Marine Equipment mentioned above.-
Supply & Service of Marine Electronic Navigation and Communication products and solutions.- We also offer software and ISM solutions, including software for Planned MaintenanceSystems and Management Systems.-
Automation and Instrumentation – Equipment supplies, installation and Repairs, including Multipurpose Monitoring & Control Systems.
Hydraulics - Installation, Repair and Services - all types
Safety – Equipment supplies meeting the latest SOLAS regulations, Service Certification of LifeRafts, FFA Equipments. We arrange Air Purity test. Foam Test, Calibration of Gas Meters &Annual testing of Life Boat launching Appliances. We also supply Pyrotechnics, Breathingapparatus, Life rafts, Fire Extinguishers, Life Jackets, Life Bouys, Couplings nozzles, Signage,Fibre Glass cabinets etc