Project Recruitment Services
Requirement : Looking to full sell out
Deal Highlights: •    One of the Top Resourcing & Facilities Management Companies in the UAE  •    Strong EBITDA  •    Scalable to enhance into a full fledge Facilities Management Company  •    All Licenses & Labor Approvals in place.  Key Investment Merits •    Our brand recognition among Government entities is one of our competitive edge.  •    We established worldwide network of recruitment partners.  •    We have experienced and driven management team with extensive experience in Employment/Outsourcing and recruitment industry, some staff have been with the company over 10 years  •    We have strong relationship with UAE banks to obtain credit and banking facilities.  Future Plans  Outsourcing and Recruitment  •    Grow number of employees in recruitment to 1500 by end of 2021  •    Improve Company’s bottom line to 10% NP Margin  •    Building recruitment portal to be used for clients and candidates  •    Looking forward to expand recruitment partners’ network in GCC  Facilities Management Services  •    Looking forward to increase number of employee to 70 by end of 2021  •    Introducing new vehicle fleet for performing grease trap activity  •    Making improvements to reduce operational cost by at least 5%  Contact MAGAS for more details.