Published 2021-08-31 23:37:47

Expo 2020 Dubai | Complete Details- MAGAS
Expo 2020 Dubai | Complete Details- MAGAS

Industry: Others

In this blog we will be covering the following topics:

1. What is Expo 2020?

2. Participants of Expo 2020

3. Expo-2020 Theme

4. Activities and events of Expo-2020

5. How will Dubai change after hosting Expo 2020

6. How to register for Dubai Expo 2020


What is Expo 2020?

For over 170 years, World Expos have provided a platform for displaying the most significant inventions that have shaped the world we live in today. Expo 2020 will continue to showcase cutting-edge innovations from throughout the world, as it has in the past.

Expo 2020 will take place in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, from October 20, 2020, to April 10, 2021. Because of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United Arab Emirates, the dates have been changed to 1 October 2021 – 31 March 2022.


Participants Of Expo 2020

When it comes to cultural and economic influence, the World Expo is the world's third-largest event. The Olympic Games are the first, followed by the FIFA World Cup. There will be 100+ countries from different parts of the globe participating in expo 2020 bringing diverse culture, history, and heritage. For each country participating a separate pavilion is allotted which will help people discover the uniqueness of each country. Participating countries are as follows:

1. Algeria

2. Angola

3. Argentina

4. Armenia

5. Australia

6. Austria

7. Azerbaijan

8. the Bahamas

9. Bahrain

10. Belarus

11. Belgium

12. Belize

13. Benin

14. Bhutan

15. Bosnia and Herzegovina

16. Botswana

17. Brazil

18. Brunei Darussalam

19. Burkina Faso

20. Republic of Burundi

21. Canada

22. the Central African Republic

23. Chad

24. China

25. Colombia

26. Comoros

27. the Democratic Republic of Congo

28. Croatia

29. Cuba

30. the Czech Republic

31. Djibouti

32. the Dominican Republic

33. Egypt

34. EI Salvador

35. Estonia

36. Ethiopia

37. Fiji

38. Finland

39. France

40. Germany

41. Ghana

42. Greece

43. Grenada

44. Guinea

45. Hungary

46. India

47. Indonesia

48. the Islamic Republic of Iran

49. Ireland

50. Israel

51. Italy

52. Ivory Coast

53. Jamaica

54. Japan

55. Kazakhstan

56. Kenya

57. Republic of Korea

58. Kuwait

59. Laos

60. Latvia

61. Lesotho

62. Lithuania

63. Luxembourg

64. Malawi

65. Malaysia

66. Mali

67. Malta

68. Mauritius

69. Mexico

70. Monaco

71. Montenegro

72. Morocco

73. Mozambique

74. Myanmar

75. the Netherlands

76. New Zealand

77. Nigeria

78. Norway

79. Oman

80. Pakistan

81. Peru

82. the Philippines

83. Poland

84. Portugal

85. Romania

86. Russia

87. Rwanda

88. Saudi Arabia

89. Serbia

90. Seychelles

91. Singapore

92. Slovenia

93. South Africa

94. South Sudan

95. Spain

96. Sri Lanka

97. St. Kitts and Nevis

98. Sudan

99. Suriname

100. Sweden

101. Switzerland

102. Syria

103. Tanzania

104. Thailand

105. Tonga

106. Tunisia

107. Turkmenistan

108. UAE

109. UK

110. Ukraine

111. USA

112. Uzbekistan

113. Venezuela

114. Vietnam

115. Yemen

116. Zambia

117. Zimbabwe


Expo-2020 Theme

The theme of the expo will be "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future."

The expo will also have three subthemes: opportunity, mobility, and sustainability.



Sustainability focuses on addressing current needs without jeopardizing future generations' ability to meet their own. The three pillars of sustainability are economic, environmental, and social—also known as profits, planet, and people informally.

The sustainability theme in Expo 2020 will cover major advanced technologies from all over the world to give a harmonious and joyful experience to human beings.

1. Brazil Pavilion- Giving insights to the amazon's richest biodiversity exposure.

2. Singapore Pavilion-Hanging Garden with 9-meter-tall garden cones.



Mobility is defined as the ability to move from one location to another utilizing one or more modes of transportation to meet everyday demands. Removing barriers of different geographies by exploring cultures, traditions, and ideas from all over the world.

1. Russian Pavilion- Creative minds driving the future.

2. Australia Pavilion- Diversifying innovation of 60,000 years



In the Opportunity District, see how our lives and activities are intertwined. Meet the people who are turning ideas and aspirations into tomorrow's realities all across the world, and be inspired to impact the future by realizing your own potential.

1. Ukraine Pavilion- Building a balanced world by discovering new technologies and ideas.

2. Malawi Pavilion- See how lives change by enabling the right tools to innovate.


Activities And Events of Expo-2020

a. Theme Weeks

Theme weeks are designed to address global challenges including the following topics:-

  1. Climate & Biodiversity
  2. Urban & Rural Development
  3. Knowledge & Learning
  4. Travel & Connectivity
  5. Health & Wellness
  6. Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods
  7. Water and much more


b. Exploring Technology

1. Artificial intelligence and the space industries are highlighted in the UK Pavilion.

2.  In the United Arab Emirates' centennial year of 2071, experience the future of commercial aviation through the Pavilion of the Emirates.


c. Glimpse of Entertainment

1. An engrossing look at a pioneer in the field of environmental protection through Pavilion of Germany

2. Street festivals, Parades, stage shows, music concerts, etc.

The riddim that links and moves the entire planet

In the midst of shipping containers from all over the world, a spontaneous street celebration erupted. Discover Jamaica's sights, sounds, and flavors, as well as how we move the world and serve as a logistical link.


d. Art and Culture

In the midst of shipping containers from all over the world, a spontaneous street celebration erupted. Discover Jamaica's sights, sounds, and flavors, as well as how we move the world and serve as a logistical link.

Visual Arts from How we see the world, constructed in our imagination. Expo 2020 will incorporate a variety of public artworks throughout its urban fabric. The artworks, which are scattered across the site, provide a voyage of ideas, aesthetics, and notions.


e. Food Of Future

You'll have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover the history of the globe via cuisine as visitors of the AI-curated Universal Museum of Food. Extinct meals, levitating cakes, and crisp with 1,000 flavors will transport you from caveman to spaceman before you embark on a time-traveling adventure.


f. Business and Entrepreneurship

Bringing global innovators, changemakers, inspiration, and global communities together to experience the future. As you walk around Expo 2020's themed districts, you'll come across various Expo Live satellite exhibitions where visitors can interact with Global Innovators' initiatives. There are also 100 Global Innovator portraits scattered across the Expo grounds, each conveying a narrative of good change brought about by innovation and urging visitors to discover more.

g. Education Program

Students may take four fascinating trips across the UAE Pavilion and three bustling Districts - Sustainability, Mobility, and Opportunity - with free tickets, which are only available to UAE schools. Each of these travels is a one-of-a-kind, immersive experience that is connected with a variety of UAE school curricula to provide remarkable learning through this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


How will Dubai Change After Hosting Expo 2020?

Expo 2020, which is part of Dubai's Tourism Vision 2020, is planned to attract more than 25 million tourists from all over the world (Gulf News).

This year, a number of luxury hotels are planned to open just before the event to accommodate the attendees, resulting in a significant increase in the tourism economy.

Since Dubai was granted Expo in 2013, billions of dollars have been poured into the project in an effort to diversify its economy and improve its global image as a financial and technology center. The UAE now expects a significant return on its investment.

Due to Expo 2020 and several government-led projects all throughout Dubai, construction in Dubai has continued to rise over the last two years.

Dubai is home to 42 percent of the UAE's active projects (Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry).


How To Register For Dubai Expo 2020

Tickets are available in multiple forms like season pass valid for unlimited entry for entire 6 months, Multi-day pass including 30 consecutive days entry, the 1-day ticket to expo 2020, premium packages offering premium services and discounts. Family and Jubilee packages which including VIP services and membership benefits.

The price ranges from 2,000 rupees to a maximum to 2,00,000 rupees. Prices vary depending on facilities and other services offered to people.

We hope this article gave you a deep insight into Expo 2020. MAGAS, a pioneer in the service media industry, combines lead generation and service delivery to build momentum for your transactional B2B business and professional leadership. To increase market share, we envisage your business model through content moderation and boost your business relevance by enhancing your social media presence with ‘Service Media.'

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